# Practical 06: Use-Case Diagrams


Ensure that you have gone through Lecture 6: Business Process and Functional Modeling before attempting this practical.

# Theroretical Questions

  1. Distinguish between the extend and include relationships in use-case diagrams. When would you use each of these relationships? Discuss.

  2. Define use case. Explain why a use-case typically addresses only functional requirements.

  3. Draw a use case diagram depicting primary and secondary actor.

  4. An actor can sometimes become an primary actor and a secondary actor. Draw a diagram to depict such a scenario.

# Hands-On Tasks

# Task 1

Campus Housing Service

The campus housing service helps students find apartments. The apartment owners complete information forms about the available rental units (e.g., location, number of bedrooms, monthly rent), which are then entered into a database. Students can search this database via the Web to find apartment that meet their needs (e.g., a two-bedroom apartment for $400 or less per month within half a mile from campus) and contact the apartment owners directly to see the apartment and possibly rent it. Apartment owners can call the service to delete their listing when they have rented their apartment(s).

  1. Identify the actors and major use cases for the given high-level business processes in a housing system run by the Campus Housing Service.

  2. Hence, create a Use-Case diagram for the above scenario. You need to include Generalization, Extend and Include Relationships.

# Task 2

Hospital Management System

The Hospital Reception subsystem or module supports some of the many job duties of a hospital receptionist. A receptionist schedules a patient's appointments and admission to the hospital, collects information from the patient upon the patient's arrival and/or by phone. For the patient that will stay in the hospital (known as an "inpatient"), he or she should have a bed allotted in a ward. Receptionists may also receive a patient's payments, record them in a database and provide receipts, file insurance claims, and medical reports.

Create a Use-Case Diagram (with minimum 5 use cases) for the above Hospital Management System. You need to include Generalization, Extend and Include relationships.


Complete the given practical and submit it as your lecture attendance for Week 7.

Last Updated: 7/9/2021, 12:34:40 AM